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Local Crafter’s Agreement Form

The Locally Crafter's Agreement states the EXACT same thing in-store. You are welcome to print and sign this form, or come into Lone Star Yarn to sign up.


Crafter's WRITTEN First and Last Name
Phone Number

Crafter - Person creating the product for sale 
Locally Crafted Product - Product created by the Crafter, is fiber related, and presented for sale
Lone Star Yarn, LLC - Lone Star Yarn business offering selling space
Owner - Kris Murphy

Lone Star Yarn, LLC. is offering space to sell locally crafted products. These products MUST be fiber related, and MUST be made by the Crafter wanting to sell them. Lone Star Yarn and/or it’s Owner, Kris Murphy, has the right to turn down product that they deem not in the best interest of the store, or it’s concepts. Terms of this contract can be amended as deemed necessarty without prior notice to Crafters.

If the Crafter ages 17 or under, a parent/guardian MUST sign also! No Exceptions will be allowed. This is our way of protecting the Crafter and Lone Star Yarn at the same time.

Lone Star Yarn, LLC. and its employees make no promise nor guarantees of sale of  products, nor will give advice of price points. The only guarantee is ALL products will be treated in the same manner as the rest of the store’s inventory, (with care and respect). We will do everything in our ability to list products and display them as quickly as possible.

Program Splits Optiions:
 Option 1: In Store Sales ONLY - is a 80/20 split. This means 80% goes to Crafter and 20% goes to Lone Star Yarn, LLC. 
    Those that choose this program will NOT have items listed on website, grouping of products will be generalized in the system and in the reporting. The Crafter will have minimum responsiblity but MUST provide inventory list with price points for each product at time of delivery.

Option 2: Online and In Store Sales WITH Documentation - is a 70/30 split. This means 70% goes to Crafter and 30% goes to Lone Star Yarn, LLC.
    Those that choose this program will have the responsibility is to providing an electronic format inventory list with pricing, a photos, description, care instruction, and links to social platforms in an  prior to or on day of product delivery. In return, the Crafter will have their products listed on Lone Star Yarn's website, products broken down into types, a more detailed end of month report, have the option to have seasonal products remain listed on website even though not available in store, and have links to personal / business social media platforms.

Option 3:Online and In Store Sales WITHOUT Documentation - is a 60/40 split. This means 60% goes to Crafter and 40% goes to Lone Star Yarn, LLC.
   Those that choose this program will have the same responsiblities as Option 1 with ALL the perks of Option 2.

Those that choose Option 2 and DO NOT provide electronic formatted documentations prior or on day of delivery of products will automatically be placed in Option 3 catagory with NO REFUND of split percentage for late documentations for the 1st month of listing. Product tags will NOT be removed and stored after product purchase.

Shipping of Products:

Products listed on Lone Star Yarn's website can be shipped. Lone Star Yarn retains shipping payment. Lone Star Yarn will NOT ship any product/products sold via Etsy, eBay, or Crafter's personal website. 

Management and/or Owner will do their best to have payments and reports for the previous month's sales by the end of the 1st full week of the following month.  Example, products sold in January will be paid by end of 1st FULL week of February. Any payment above $50 is at the discretion of the manager or store Owner to be paid by check. The Crafter has a choice of receiving payment via store credit, in store payment, or having it mailed. If the payment is mailed Lone Star Yarn will NOT be held accountable for lost checks.

Lone Star Yarn, from time to time, receives donated fibers from the community. Crafters are welcome to look through and use ANY materials that are donated to create products to sell. If a Crafter purchases fiber from Lone Star Yarn, creates products, and sells it in Lone Star Yarn a10% discount will be given for their next purchase of store merchandise. This discount does NOT apply to products created and sold from donated fibers.

Crafters are welcome to come in at the beginning or end of any month and do their own inventory of products. Crafters also have the right to remove products at any time for any reason as they so choose to. Please inform management or Owner prior to coming in.

Lone Star Yarn does NOT accept returnes on locally crafted products. ALL issues that might arise, will be handled between Crafter and buyer. At the front of the store there is a table that Crafters are welcome to place business cards on. By doing so, the Crafter understands that a guest might contact them to request a special orders ordiscuss issues with a product.

Management or Owner has the right to move, list, remove items on or off shelves and websites according to sales, seasons, and selling potential. The Crafter also agrees that the management or Owner may use product in store kits or seasonal promotions. This does NOT change the selling price nor the percentage going back to Crafter.

Lone Star Yarn is requesting Crafters use the various social media platforms to post, share photos, or comment on product posts. Referring friends and family to Lone Star Yarn will increase the product's visibility and the likelihood of better sales.

By the Crafter signing below, the Crafter agrees to the terms set forth above. By NOT signing, the Crafter acknowledges, their products will NOT be listed.

Crafter's Signature                                                                                                                                Email

Parental / Guardian Signature(If Required)                                                                         Phone Number                 Email

  • 2816 Central Dr., Ste140, Bedford, TX 76021
  • Ph: (817) 404-9814
  • Monday, Wendesday, Thursday, & Friday  10am - 5pm
  • Tuesday  10am - 3:30pm
  • Extended hours Tuesday 6-8pm 
  • Saturday 10am - 4pm
  • Sunday Closed
  • Tuesday Night is Fiber Night